

I'm Atlas, a Police Canine (or K9) for the Oceanside Police Department. I am a Belgian Malinois. I work with a Police Officer partner, also called a "Handler", his name is Kevin. Together we are a K9 team and we patrol the City of Oceanside. Our job is to assist other police officers in doing their jobs and making things safer for them. I have a really good nose and my handler teaches me to use it to search for things. Right now I'm getting good at finding people my handler wants me to find. I can look in buildings, fields, lots, inside cars and find somebody hiding. I'm still getting use to riding around in a patrol car, the siren makes me howl, LOL! Anyway, I started this blog so you kids could see what kinds of stuff I'm up to. Check in here and there and see if I've posted any updates. Maybe I'll see you around, I'll try not to bark at you :)

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

New Haircut

So while at the vet I got a new haircut! What do you think? The Vet needed to do some more scans of my lungs but I guess all my fur was in the way. I was like awesome, it's almost summer and this will keep me cool! So word is I need surgery :( that's where they make a cut on you to remove what's wrong on the inside. If it makes be better I'm all for it! I'll post again when it's over. Bye for now.

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